
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Strange week

This week was preparing to go camping with DD's Brownie troop. I was in charge of too many things. I didn't even get to turn on the sewing machine until today.

DD was also home running a fever Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday. So, on Thursday evening we find out that she had strep. Got medications in her on Friday, but it didn't kick in until late today. Sooooo, no camping. I have to admit that DD was not as upset today as I thought she would be. Of course, coughing enough to throw up might have had something to do with it.

So, today I working on a love quilt. I got it quilted. I have the binding ready to sew on. I'll post another photo when it is finished.

I've been working on these swap blocks, I have 2 done and need a total of 10. I MUST get these done this weekend.

Remember the tulip quilt? I didn't know who it would end up going to. I received a call from very dear friends. They told me that Betty is going through some uterine wall cancer treatment. So, I think this is the quilt to go to her. My plan is to work on the backing and get it quilted.

It feels good to be quilting and I hope my DD gets to feeling Lots better tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your daughter gets better soon. I love the quilts and what a great thing to do to give your friend the tulip quilt. I'm sure she'll love it

    love and hugs xxx
