
Sunday, April 6, 2008

Status status

Well, as Judy reminds us, it is 8.5 months to go in the year. I've not done as well as I wanted, but I'm still trying.

Fabric Added This Week -0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 5.68
Fabric Used This Week - 0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 31.85 yards
Fabric Used this Month 0 yards
Net year to date: - 26.17 yards used

Nothing went out, nothing came in. LOL Now, the problem is going to be this coming week. I have birthday money coming in, and the shop hop starts ON my birthday, so....who knows what will happen. I am going with 4 friends to the shop hop and hope to find something spectacular -- maybe it will just be tools and gadgets, thread???

Something to think about: SAFETY. For one of the few times I am in my sewing area with sandals on, yesterday I was winding a bobbin for the long arm and dropped pointed scissors on my left big toe. Of course, the pointy side into the toe. Ouch!!! It started to bleed and the sandal kept the blood off my off-white carpet. But, you might want to remember to be careful in the sewing area without closed toed shoes on.

I am still working on the swap blocks. Hoping to finish one set tonight. If I don't get the others done first thing in the morning, the one set will be mailed to get to the hostess quickly. The way life has been this year, not sure if I'd get to them if they are not done first thing.

Oh, I did find the perfect backing fabric in my stash for the tulip quilt. So, I'll be working on getting the backing made and the quilt loaded and quilted. I think it is going to be quilted with lots of background quilting and leave most of the tulip unquilted -- I think it will make the flowers pop.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing way better than me! I've totally gone off the diet. But its time to climb back on.
