
Friday, February 1, 2008

January Summary

Stashbusters was asking us to do a summary of January.

Well, I didn't buy any fabrics, but I did receive a fq for a gift.

I only used about 6 yards of fabric this month. A very slow month for me.

What did I do in January?

I made one baby quilt from a UFO for a teacher, I finished the top for Carolina Crossroads, I worked on Winter postcards and Valentine postcards (I know need to make 2 more), I gave some away as a gift to quilting friends, DD and I made some pet beds (I use my ends and tiny pieces to fill the beds), I made a birthday gift purse, I quilted a QWL, and a couple of blocks for love quilts and birthday blocks.

February is going to be a busy month for the Brownie Cookie Sales. So, I'm not sure it is going to be very productive either. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. You were very busy and love the purses. Come visit my blog for my latest giveaway.
