
Sunday, January 13, 2008

weekly update

Judy has us do a weekly status report, and I love what is there.

I finished the top for a baby quilt, this is for one of the teachers and is all from stash. I've got the backing from stash too.

I've caught up on Carolina Crossroads and am awaiting the next step, I am making winter postcards and got some of the fronts done, I've completed a birthday block for the month, I did a love block, and I quilted 2 more QOVs (2, 3) and have them delivered. She passed on 2 more for this month, so I need to get to those quickly.

I've not bought anything this week, and I used some of my stash, especially scraps. I am in the process of ironing open the hst that I use for leader/ender projects. This takes so long and I tend to procrastinate with them.


  1. You've gotten a lot done this week too but it sounds like you've been better than I have. I haven't puchased fabric this week BUT books and embellishments have replaced it.

  2. got lots done. Good job! Love your Carolina Crossroads blocks.

  3. Sounds like a good report to me! I like to do several projects at once... but when you are using scraps it does seem like slow going in the stash busting efforts, but they do count!


