
Sunday, January 13, 2008

You make my Day award

Thakn you Kim for presenting me this award. You are an inspiration to me on a daily basis!
The rules for this award say to choose up to 10 people whose blog brings you happiness & inspiration and makes you feel happy about Blogland. Let them know by posting a note on their blog so they can pass it on. So I award, Bonnie (of course there are lots of others that will feel the same), Alycia (for the variety of her quilting), Dawn (for all the laughter she is bringing to all of us), Karen (a fellow Texan working away at things I only imagine), Mary (for her wonderful quilts), Solvi (I'm amazed at all she does and enjoy seeing it), Leah (always amazed at how much she gets done in a day.) There are many others, but I check these lots.


  1. Thank you so much for the award!!! It made MY day! :c)

    In Stitches -- -

  2. Thanks so much! I posted a few days ago but wasn't able to narrow my list down and just thanked everyone out there who inspire my quilting.
