
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Retirement Quilt

Working on the retirement quilt. DH did the arrangements of the 4" squares. Took him a little time to accomplish that, and then I started to sew it together. Sewed some yesterday, but I was exhausted, so I didn't get much done.

Have a couple of spot where my squares were not square. I used the Alto Cutting system and it didn't get along with me, so ..... I think I will pass on that baby to someone who enjoys it. Let me know if you wanted one of these and we can work something out. :)

Had a couple of times where I had sewn the block in backwards and had to unsew it. But, that was minimal, so I feel blessed.
DH decided he wanted to help pick out the inner border fabric. I think I would have picked a lime green. Surprise. LOL But, that was not what he wanted, so we went with the light blue. I'll do the thin border and then the darker blue on the outside. Not sure what I'll bind it in yet.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that DH helps you is a blessing. I used to get nagged about my sewing strung everywhere.
