
Monday, October 22, 2007

busy day

Today was busy with things other than quilting.

Mom and I had our nail appointments and I have spiders on my fingers. LOL

Then, DS and I had the joy of putting the rest of my stash back in the cabinet. It was funny. He was ready to take on the task and the first pile he was complaining about how heavy it was. LOL Oh well, it is all back in place. I actually am surprised that I have so much room. Maybe this stashbusting is working. LOL
After the stash was put back, then we had to tackle the rest of the extra bedroom. Moving all the stuff around and rearranging the room. We have a new dresser -- only one in the room. So, now the TV is on top of the dresser and the bed is on a wall that is long enough to allow something on either side to set lamps or clocks or something on. LOL that dresser was heavy and I'm a tad sore tonight.
Later, I put the inner border on the retirement quilt. Not much, but something.
DD is sick. Sore throat, cough, runny nose, ear ache. So, tomorrow is doctor appointments.

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