
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Finished or Not Friday

         "Finished or not Fridays"

Plan for 5/31/2024

 1. Piece Off Kilter
It is in process but still needs to be put together.
I've started sewing the next step, but it isn't done yet.

2. I must also cut a peach and green quilt for more variety.
I am delaying on this one and have no idea why.
I did find a backing, so I am one step closer.

DONE 3. Prepare for Senior Class
DONE a.Cell Phone Hanger
DONE b. Advent Calendar
I need the dowel and maybe something to hang on the bottom, but the pattern is done and ready to teach.
DONE c. Lavender Sachet

DONE 4. Finish binding on Fall UFO.

Plan for 6/7/2024

 1. Piece Off Kilter
It is in process but still needs to be put together.
Other things took priority this week.

2. I must also cut a peach and green quilt for more variety.
I am delaying on this one and have no idea why.
I did find a backing, so I am one step closer.

3. T-shirt Pillows

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