
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Finished or Not Friday 5/3/2024

          "Finished or not Fridays"

 1. Grandson's signature quilt
It is quilted and needs to be bound.

2. I must also cut a peach and green quilt for more variety.
I am delaying on this one and have no idea why.
I did make 4 more blocks, but I don't have a photo.

3. Piece Off Kilter
It is in process but still needs to be put together.

4. Stashbusters have already put out the May numbers.
I pulled the small fall quilt, and it is on the design wall.
It is a mess. LOL
I had a group of leftover pieces in fall colors that were started.
I then decided to raid my other box of leftovers, which I am adding to the quilt.
This is not normally my style, but I think I like it.

5. While pulling the Stashbuster numbers, I found a T-shirt quilt that is from someone else.
It is ready to quilt. 
I even found the backing fabric.
It is ready to load and quilt.

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