
Friday, March 1, 2024

Finished or not Friday 3/1/2024

    "Finished or not Fridays" is new to me.

I also have a peach and green quilt I need to cut more for more variety.

I am delaying on this one and have no idea why.

The Challenge quilt is to the top stage.
I'll bind it in black.

The test quilt is quilted.
I can't show photos, and it isn't done yet.

I have a progressive quilt I started in January 2020.
I'm trying to lay it out.
I need to use my smaller machine and sew it together downstairs.

I have a Kimberly Einmo quilt named Arrowheads on the design wall.
I thought I had more of them done, but...
Anyway this was started at a Houston Quilt Festival in 2019?
I'd like to get this together sooner rather than later.
It is Christmas fabric, so I have a few months to finish it.

I keep getting sidetracked and working on other things instead of what is on my list.
But, most of those things are UFOs, so I'm OK with that.


1 comment:

  1. You have some great quilts going on. Stay tracked haha!!! Love all the beautiful colors in them!
