
Sunday, February 18, 2024

Fab 4 week ending 2/18/2024

Fab 4 for the week ending 2/18/2024

DONE 1. Bind H4H Quilt

DONE 2. Bind Dr. Seuss Quilt

3. Sash Challenge blocks

DONE 4. Bind Alphabet Panel Quilt

In Process 5. Quilt Test Quilt

I have started this, but I need to complete the quilting.

 Fab 4 for the week ending 2/25/2024

1. Make a Tote Bag for Senior Sewing

2. Finish Test Quilt Quilting and binding

3. Make PCs for swaps

3a Under the Sea (there are going to be a series of these)

3b Bunnies

3c St Patrick's Day

4. Figure out Borders for Challenge Quilt

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