
Monday, January 29, 2024


Can you tell I am getting the borders together for the alphabet quilt?
I have two sides together now, and one is almost done.
That allows me to get the rest done as I sew other things.
I'm using the border squares as leader/enders.
I also completed the Dr. Seuss Quilt top.
The backing is ready.
I need to figure out what I'm doing for the binding, but that won't be too difficult.

I also worked on the test quilt.
I have two blocks together and two more ready to sew tomorrow morning.

It was a productive day.

My room is slowly progressing.
I did take more out of the cabinet, so I have two more containers in the middle of my floor.
That will change soon.
I think I might have a solution for the panels.
I'll show photos later this week.


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