
Saturday, January 27, 2024


 I have been overwhelmed with paper.

Then, I got busy making things and forgetting to clean up between projects.

That is probably because I had more than one project going at one time.

So, I realized that if I don't hold myself accountable about how my room looks, I will keep it a mess.

I'm at the point where I can't be creative like this, so it is time to do something.

I added a sewing machine table and a 'new to me' machine.

That is wonderful because DD can sew with me, but it takes away space.

I had UFO containers and two plastic drawer units in that spot.

It is worth it, but I need to figure out how to rearrange stuff and fix my space.

So, I am going to work on this today while I'm sewing and picking out fabric for a test quilt.

This is embarrassing, so please be kind with any comments.

This area is at the top of my stairs, and my room is the game room without a door.
This window seat seems to get things put on it, and no one seems to sit there.
The corner has books and storage items that need to find another home.
I want to set my Circut there and learn to use it.
This will be the last area to be cleaned and organized.
I have the shoe boxes with postcards in them.
I need to figure out another method of storing them.
I have three boxes of white coffee mugs that I was going to make those covers.
But I don't think that is going to happen this year.
They will need to find a home in the extra bedroom instead of in front of my design wall.
I have three bolts of wide-back fabric that need to find a home.
My Go cutter and the die need to be put away.
The bag is a quilt I need to make binding for, apply it and then stitch it down.
That is the second one for Habitat for Humanity.
The lemon dress you see on the left side is where all the mending is located.
That should be done and back in our closets.

You can see the lemon dress in this photo.
This looks the messiest.
The green drawer set is what was moved from near my desk.
I have some of the UFOs on top of it.
I might need to add one here for ease of access.
I also have a box that goes up and down the stairs that should be on top of it.
What is on top of it now is a Christmas gift I need to wrap.
Yes, it is late, but things happened, and we didn't get together.
Moving into the room, I have a blue chair that has a bag from the class I taught yesterday.
I need to put those items away and put the bag away.
That should be easy.
There is a tray with containers that I use for blocks.
I need to find a new home for it.
Next to my sewing machine are two bins of strings.
They will stay there, but some of the extra things in them might go elsewhere.
There is also a project that I need to finish with the flamingo fabric.
I'm working on trinket trays on my sewing table.
I hope they are done today.
The ladder doesn't need to be in the middle of the room, but some items are on the top shelf, and I need it to reach.
It will go beside the long arm when I am done with it.
On the ladder is a package to mail overseas.
On the bottom shelf is the test quilt fabric I'm having trouble picking.
The big blue bag is for one of the habitat quilts.
I have the binding started and need to add it and start the hand sewing on the binding tonight.
I should remove the bag within the bin that has all the trimmings and non-useable fabrics.
I need to add a new bag and start fresh.
Does anyone know what to use that stuff for besides dog beds?
The other round bin has anything I'm not using for a project that needs to be put away.
This is always a work-in-process because I am constantly putting things away and adding them to the bin.
It does help me keep things off the floor, and I know what I need to do when it is full.
The three big bins (one clear and two blue) have memory quilt clothing in them.
I am using the blue bins to make memory bears from the leftover baby clothing.
The bottom bin is for my parent's clothing, and I want to make a memory quilt for me and maybe my DS and DD.
I'm not sure what the other containers are, so they will either stay there or be moved to a better location.

I hate the way this mess is right now.
I spend most of my time in the horseshoe space.
I have filing and items I need to do something with that I'm not sure what to do.
Those stop me from doing anything because of too much stuff.
I also have things on the desk I need to file and decide where I am going to locate them.
This is the hardest area for me.
I might be moving things around to use the space better, but I'm not sure yet.
The area between the sewing machine and the embroidery machine (covered in white) just needs a little straightening.

I am OK with how the cutting table is right now.
I am doing a scrappy background from my white scrap drawer.
It will take some time to get those cut and into the container.
This is part of a challenge I am enrolled in.
The teal fabric is going back into the blue bag because it is Habitat fabric.
The pile of papers needs filing and put away.
I usually keep this and the pressing table cleaned off.

I worked on this before I decided to set my mess out for everyone to see.
See the photo on the left.
I've already made progress, but there is still more to do.
I think my pressing table is OK overall.
I might want to put the bin full of peach and green fabrics in another location.
The box with the blue container on it is a memory quilt.
I am deconstructing the clothing, and they go into the blue bin.
The exercise ball moves around the studio because this is also where I exercise.
The container in the bottom right is what will go on top of the 2 drawers at the end of my sewing table.
I still need to go through the pile of stuff on the left.
It is leftover from the senior sewing class I do twice a month.
I'm not exactly sure what is in there.

I don't know why it is blurry.
My scrap bins are in decent order.
The pink drawer needs a quilt made from it so I can close it better.
The items on the floor need to be put back on top of my batting (under the long arm) and some of the other things under the long arm.
The blue bag is the bag for retreat.
I've already started to put some things in there to take with me.

I hate this behind the long arm.
I have boxes of files I need to go through and shred papers.
I also have three bins of stabilizers and the postcard fusible.
I need to go through it and figure out what I need and what I can pass on to others.

This was probably good for me to go through the process and know what I could do with the stuff.
Now I just need to do it.

1 comment:

  1. What a mountain of mess! And now you get to conquer it. I think this blog post can almost serve as a list, and if you print it out, you can check each thing off and feel accomplished. Good luck, be sure to show us the after!! Anne
