
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

2024 Outlook

 I start my new year off evaluating what I want it to be. 

2023 did not go the way I expected or wanted.

It started off with a wonderful finish to a 3-week Hawaiian vacation.

Life when we returned was not too bad, but it was full of little bumps and turns because of some unneeded family drama.

Then, the health issues started for DH at the end of June and continued.

My health had some problems, too, but nothing like DH's cancer in the liver diagnosis.

Then, DH's liver resection and infections which have finally cleared.

Did you know that recovery time is estimated to be 5 days for every day in the hospital/rehab center?

That would equal 22 months, and that is a long time.

I think with all this in mind, my word for 2024 is Savor

My definition is "enjoy completely."

I need to savor all the things around me, even when I am knocked down.

I need to count my blessings and savor them even in the middle of chaos.

I have so much to be thankful for, and I need to focus and savor that instead of the negative.

Some things I want to do in 2024 are:

1. Learn how to use the Cricut I received for 2022 Christmas.

2. Finish up the quilts I need to do for others.

Donna's Memory Quilts

Ashley's High School Memory Quilt

Teddy Bears for Donna, Lillian, Wyatt

Lillian's Pillows

Meredith's Memory Quilt

Wedding Quilt

3. Finish at least 28 UFOs, more if possible.

I have 289 identified UFOs. 

I only added a couple of new starts from 2023, which I consider incredible with all the stuff going on.

But, I did find some other ones, or split items already on the list, so my number is up.

I did buy from a quilter who needed to sell her stash, so some of those UFOs were already started and added to my list.

If I get 28 done, then that is almost 10% of my list.

My focus is to pull UFOs and finish them or take them off the list.

4. Continue with the Challenges with Michelle, Ashley, and Nancy.

We did two challenges in 2023.

Ashley picked Improv, which was difficult for me.

Michelle (one with peach), Ashley (one on the right bottom), and me (Mine on the right top).
It started out with us having to use the teal, brown, and spiderweb white fabric, but we could add whatever we wanted and make it the size we wanted.

Michelle came up with a Christmas challenge combining more than one pattern.

I'll pick the first challenge in 2024, and it will be a color/placement challenge/mystery.

We alternate who picks and plans for each challenge, and its timing will depend on what the challenge entails.

We will probably join in a Christmas in July Challenge with Nancy and Cathy.

5. Continue with the APQ Challenge:

1. Sunflower Felt Table Topper

2. Alphabet Panel

3. Hive Mind

4. Marthat pouches

5. Dr. Suess Baby Quilt

6. Flamingo Panel

7. Jacob's Ladder

8. Swatter Sweaters

9. Chili Pepper HST

10. Progressive Quilt (Biloxi)

11. Off Kilter

12. Katie Journal

6. Work on my Health

Drink More Water

Exercise at least 3 days a week

Write in my affirmation journal daily

Eat a healthier diet

Increase my positivity

7. Continue with the monthly Stashbuster Challenge


#5 Alphabet Panel Quilt

#47 Christmas embroidery 2

8. Start Stashbuster's Use a Book Challenge

Betsy's Quilt  from Fantastic Scrap Quilts, pg 8

9. Quilt Charity Quilts as they come along.

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