
Tuesday, January 17, 2023


 Well, I was gone for the last part of December and just returned home.

What a vacation that was!

We left Texas, and it was 17 degrees, which is very cold for us.
We were delayed in Denver, but made it to Hawaii

We spent Christmas on Ohau on the beach.

This is Christmas Day.

We had a peacock for a visitor in the cabin.

We had beautiful weather.

We went to Hawaii to Oahu, The Big Island of Hawaii, and Kauai.

All islands are unique and wonderful.

I think we need a trip to Kauai by itself because I don't feel we saw much of the island in the week we were there.

I still need to download photos to my computer from later in the trip, so that will be another post.

I did some hand sewing while on vacation, but I don't have those photos either.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you!

I'm excited about 2023.

I know I picked a word before the trip, but I'm changing it.

My word for the year will be ENJOY.

Enjoy life, enjoy quilting, enjoy the beauty around us, enjoy family, enjoy friends, enjoy exploring and enjoy the time we have left.

My focus for 2023 is going to be on my UFOs.

I had so many new starts in 2022 that I didn't get to my UFO challenges and the projects I love.

I missed all the excitement of finishing up UFOs.

So, I will still be testing for others, but I will be working on my own things, plus a few memory quilts.

Memory quilts have all been started, but I need to focus on those finishes also.

My Memory Quilt list is as follows:

1. Pillows for Leach to use up the remaining T-shirts; I'll be making body pillows.

2. Memory quilt from Rob's shirts. I have the center done and need to add a border or two to make it a bit larger.

3. Second Memory quilt from Rob's T-shirts. They are cut and stabilized, so they should go fairly quickly.

4. Tammy's baby clothing memory quilt is almost finished. I need to cut more baby clothing and even out the boy and girl fabric. I made her two quilts with her twin's clothing. I am in the process of making her one with both boy and girl clothing in it. I use this one as a leader/ender, and it is growing. I've run out of the boy fabrics and need to cut more.

5. Donna's memory quilt or two, depending on how it goes together. I think I'll be doing her quilt in a heart shape.

6. I'd like to make some memory teddy bears from Rob, Karen, Tammy, and Donna's leftovers.

7. Karen's hexagon memory quilt. I finished the hexagons and stitched it onto the background while on vacation, so it just needs to be quilted.

8. Larger hexagon pillow from Karen's leftover fabrics.

9. Driesbach T-shirt quilt. They are cut apart and stabilized, and there are only a few shirts.

So, yes, there are lots of memory quilts in the works. If I focus on those UFOs and have a leader/ender for something else, I should have many finishes in 2023.

I am still working on the quilt studio organization.

That seems to be an ever-growing project.

As I finish projects, it should open up spaces.

IF I don't buy much new fabric this year, it should be a good thing.

I only bought a couple of FQs on the islands.

My daughter wants a pair of wrap-around pants, so I'll be sewing clothing. Yikes.!

The pattern looks to be easy, so I'm hoping it works out.

This post is long enough, but I hope to be back soon.

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