
Sunday, November 13, 2022

Catching up

 This year seems to be the year where I say I need to do more quilting.

It is also the year when things are getting in the way of what I want to do.

I haven't posted much because life has been hectic.

I showed you the van that was rear-ended.

They ended up totaling the vehicle and my DD is still feeling the pain from the accident.

That meant running around and trying to find a car that would work for her and be safe for her to drive two hours a day for her internship.

There are very few used cars and we found out that some of them, the good ones, are just as expensive as a new car and don't come with warranties.

So, now she has a car payment, but she has a pretty new vehicle.

Then DS and DDIL had their baby at 37 weeks.

WRS (they don't want his name on the internet) was born 3 lbs 13 oz and 16.5 inches and is now at 4 lbs 10 oz.

He is adorable and has also been in the NICU for three weeks.

So, needless to say, life was turned upside down.

He is holding his own and beginning to gain a little weight.

So, if you are praying people, we would love for you to pray for W and his family.

I have begun to get back to normal, whatever that is.

I had a Lion's Club donation quilt that was due at the end of October.

I finished it just in time.

I'm teaching classes at the Cibolo Senior Center and we made a pumpkin table topper.

November we did a Turkey table topper that was Quilt as You go.

DD needed a shower gift.

I found this panel at Gromes Quilt Shop.

As it turns out the new Mother-to-be loves giraffes.

We didn't know that, but it all worked out.

I have a couple of memory quilts to get moving on.

This one is from a co-worker that passed away and his wife asked me to make her a quilt.

He was a youth pastor, so I thought this was appropriate.

There will be white around the edges and then I'll make it larger with borders from his shirts.

This is the quilt I've had on the design wall for a long time.

It is quilted and I'm binding it now.

It is a large quilt 98 x 108.

I made crayon rolls for the DS and DDIL baby shower and one of the people wanted me to make 20 crayon rolls for their son's kindergarten class.

I decided to get them done early so we can connect to get them to her.

So, I made more than 20 so she can pick the ones she wants.

There are girls, boys, and neutral crayon rolls for her to choose from.

I have made travel kleenex covers for DD's last days of her internship.

I'm putting the kleenex in them now, so I'll have photos later.

So, I've been getting busier and hoping to keep it that way.

I pray while I'm working, so it helps me focus on something other than my problems.

1 comment:

  1. gosh meloney sounds like your plate is overflowing...havent see posts from you for a while and this one explains it all...glad you are still around and sewing too!
