
Thursday, July 7, 2022

It's almost Friday

 Well, I didn't write the last few days because I was out of the house.

I spent the morning at the VA getting my blood drawn and getting an ID card.           The ID card took a two-hour wait and a five-minute session. LOL                   But, it is done.

I do not like leaving home when it is over 100 degrees out.

I'm worn out when I get back in the house.

But, I have been stabilizing T-shirts for a large project that has been going on for so long.

My health has stopped progress on this and once stopped, it is difficult to pick back up.

The stack that still needs to be stabilized is on the left and the stack I've worked on this week is on the right.
There are others already stabilized and sewn together and waiting to be sewn together.

I also make a sheep postcard.

it's not the best, but I wanted to add dimension to it. 😔

The other things are woodland animal quilts.
I need to make the labels for these.

I'll be using them for decoration at the baby shower in August.

So, I have been busy, just not enough time to post anything on the day.


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