
Friday, February 25, 2022

I'm back

 I'm so busy and focused on other things that I've not been quilting much.

I didn't even have a finish last week.

It's sad.

I'm preparing for a retreat at Summers Mill in Belton, TX the second weekend in March.

Since I'm in charge, there are lots of emails and conversations.

That takes up lots of time.

Then, DD had a school project requiring a genogram.

So, off we went to figure out her family tree.

That got me to thinking that I don't know much about our family.

You know where that leads a person.

Contact family and get all the information you can and input it into

That takes time and makes the brain hurt because it is not all that user-friendly.

I'd like to be able to print out stuff, but it doesn't let you see the entire record.

Then, I am teaching a beginning quilting class twice a month at the new Cibolo Senior Center.

I had to plan for the extra time when I was not there on March 11th. 

Then, I got a very bad winter cold and had to pass on my responsibilities to others.

The good news is I had it planned out.

I had to change the plan, but they will sew today.

We were going to finish the heart pillows, but no one else can do applique, so that is on hold until March 25th.

So, we were going to start on a 9-patch/snowball joint quilt on March 11th.

So, they will work on that today while I recover.

I have to replan the March 11th class because I gave it to them to do today.

but, no one wants to teach snowballs on the 11th, so I'll do a small project that they can take home.

I'm thinking about a coaster or kleenex Cover.

Coasters might be more fun, but they need to be able to press everything before sewing.

I'm thinking out loud here.

So, I'm still alive and just a cold going on.

I'm working to get everything together for all my projects.

Have a blessed day.

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