
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Word for 2022

My word for 2022 is “Peace.” 

I found that I am less peaceful than I want to be.

So, I need to focus on a Peaceful environment, which means decluttering more each year.

I am amazed at how much stuff went out of my house in 2020 and 2021.

I still have more than enough, and some of it the kids don’t want.

So, I am going through things and asking the kids what they would like before sharing with non-family.

I need Peace in my friends around me, both virtual and in-person. 

I am excited to reduce some of my commitments, therefore allowing myself more Peace.

I need to find Peace in the things I’m working on finishing during 2022.

This will mean evaluating the UFOs and only keeping the ones which bring me Peace.

I need more Peace in my relationships.

I want more Peace in my daily activities, where I do all things with joy. 

I will be making some tough choices to determine where my time is spent.

Health is a major concern in 2022 and will be a focus.

Happy New Year.

May 2022 bring you Peace and Health.

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