
Sunday, January 16, 2022


Decluttering takes time
I have lots of threads.
The embroidery machine takes thread, the sewing machine takes thread, the long arm takes thread.
Most of mine is in drawers.
I keep them fairly neat.
I'm happy with my storage of them and where they are stored, so not much went on with my thread.
I did find these metallic threads that the new machine hates.
Out they go.
Those hair thingies were around bobbins.
I didn't use the bobbins because I couldn't see the thread color.
So, the bobbins are in a clear tube so I'll use them.
The hair thingies go away.
I didn't realize I had so many rotary blades.
They were overpowering this drawer because of their packaging.
I have plenty of 45mm blades.
Some smaller ones that don't get used often, but I have them.
Then, the 60 mm blades are a few, but I rarely use them either.
There are times when I need larger or smaller blades.
All my blades are in the little spice drawer and I'm good with the room they are taking.
This drawer in my cutting table is full.
I love having extra items in this area for when I need something different.
The rotary cutters and scissors are needed.
They all fit in this allotted space, so I'm OK with it.
But, I found these scissors, seam rippers, rotary cutters that I'll never use.
Out they go.
I am donating them to a QOV group that might get some use out of them.
I need to continue with decluttering, but life has a bad habit of getting in the way.
So, I'll follow along with the challenges.
Yesterday was UFOs.
I have always gone through my UFOs at the end of the year and decided if I wanted to keep them or not.
I'm good with having lots of UFOs, as long as I make something from them, not necessarily what they start out to be, and use or donate the finished item.
If during the year I find I don't want to continue with one of my UFOs, then I pass it on or put it back in my stash.
I don't have many kits, but the ones I have I want to make.
What gets in my way of making them?
Now, it is energy.
I don't understand why since May when I had COVID why I am still so weak and tire so easily.
But, I'm thankful for what I can do and I will continue to improve.
I know I want to go through the magazines and binders to see what I can part with.
But, I need someone to help me climb to get to some of them. 
That day will come along and I'll be happy to go through things.



  1. You have covid long-haulers.

    Congrats on the declutter.

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