
Friday, November 12, 2021

Studio update

   We are doing a repair in a bathroom and it expanded because of damage to different spots in the house.

One of those spots was the banister that runs around the staircase.

My studio is a game room and is open, so the banister is where I have photos and such to enjoy.

So, all of that had to come off the banister and is stored in the studio until is is dry and set.

What does that make?

Yep, a mess.

The first photo is of what I started within the studio.
The second one is from last week.
The third will be the current photo.
It isn't showing much damage.
Do you see the light in the corner?
Check out H&H Workshop in Texas for some fabulous products.
My daughter loves it so much, she wants a social work one.

That is Christmas paper I need to use to wrap gifts to mail soon so they can get to Scotland.
This area always has some issues, but with everything moved away from the banister, it is a mess.
They might be cleaning the carpet, so that will mean everything on the floor has to move up or out.
Out is not feasible because that carpet is being cleaned too.
I don't see as much sewing in my life as normal.
It's a mess.
The catchall basket needs to be emptied.
When January comes, the backs in here will be gone.
They hold monthly items for my Secret Quilter.
There are extra containers because of the repairs.
Still much the same.
There are a couple of repair "thing" sitting in front of the drawers.
The bags to the side are projects next in line, so they will stay there.
I'm working on the T-shirt quilt, so two of the bags will slowly dwindle as I stabilize the shirts.
I can't show this photo because of test quilts.
The batting is the frankenbatt I made for the rest of the test quilt.
There are a couple of containers with repair stuff and the TV tray.
I'm not exactly sure why this looks worse.
Is it the bags next to the pressing table?
I know I got more plastic sacks (the white and black bags), so maybe that is it
I have a couple of projects I'm working on, so they are on top of the table.
I can't show the area because of a test quilt.
I've used lots of the batting.
Most of the pieces are smaller strips.
If I'm making a placemat or something, I'll sew them together.
There is one frankenbatt ready to use on a lap quilt or baby quilt.
I think this area is holding its own.
I found more bags and they are behind the long arm.
I truly need to figure out my bag mess.

Thanks for helping me stay accountable. 


  1. Oh my! You have a lot going on! Thanks for sharing all the pics. I hope the plumbing problem didn't affect anything in your sewing area!

  2. OMG any repair makes a lot of mess.
