
Monday, October 25, 2021

Studio Update

  I still have work to do in the studio, but it is a start. 

But, I continue to make some progress, even if sometimes it looks worse.

It's been a difficult couple of weeks.
We are having some home repair done, which messes things up.
I have two QOVs to bind, so they are sitting on the window seat ready for me to make the binding.
Do you see the light in the corner?
Check out H&H Workshop in Texas for some fabulous products.
My daughter loves it so much, she wants a social work one.

I made some changes and put my books from the little bookshelf on the corner.
The containers went in the corner cabinet.
It is lots cleaner now.
I think this area is my area that gets out of control quickly.
I need to work on it and see if I can unclutter the area any.
It's a little messy because I'm using everything around there.
The basket needs to be emptied and will be this week.
Still much the same.
I do think I finished one UFO and a box left.
The bags to the side are projects next in line, so they will stay there.
I'm working on the T-shirt quilt, so two of the bags will slowly dwindle as I stabilize the shirts.
I can't show this photo because of test quilts.

I can't show the area because of a test quilt.
I've used some of the batting.
I need to put containers back after I had to get to one in the bottom area.
I had to use something and it wouldn't go back, so now I need to figure out that area again.
I made a mess emptying bags.
What a mess.

I've had a rough couple of weeks, so less is being done, but something is.

Thanks for helping me stay accountable. 

1 comment:

  1. Rearranging and tidying a quilt studio is hard work! Kudos to you for being so open and sharing about yours. It is heartening to see that others have the same issues as me! Keep up the good work and keep sharing. Andrea xxx
