
Friday, September 3, 2021

Studio update

 I still have work to do in the studio, but it is a start.

I took the second COVID vaccine this week and lost 3 days because of it. :(

But, I did make some progress...

Things are out of control in my room.
I'm going bare my soul to you and then hope to get some progress made.
If I put it out here, then there are others I'll be accountable to.
When I bring items up from downstairs, they are staged at the top of my stairs.
 It is looking better, but because it is a staging area, it always has something there.

I am working on figuring out how to get those extra boxes empty and the items in a new home.

My corner cabinet is ALWAYS a mess.
I will need to figure this one out more, but I'm OK with it for now.
I am using the embroidery machine, so it is uncovered.
The items are all filed, that feels so good.
I have a couple of projects for the sewing machine area is a bit messy, but I'm ok with that right now.

The cutting table stays fairly clear unless I'm in the middle of cutting.
I have a couple pieces of fabric that I'm still deciding on for a project, so those are hanging over the side of the bin that holds items needing returned to their homes.

I still need to go through the things on top of the bin.
I have some repair work to do on items and they are hiding on the lid.
I think I found more items that landed on this bin.
I thought I had this down until my daughter came up with a project and I needed another of the empty drawers to put her fabric into.
The bags to the side are projects next in line, so they will stay there.
The batting was consolidated with other batting until I can build frankenbatts.
I'm not 100% happy with what is under the table, so I'll keep working on it.
I still have a wreath bag that would be great to make and use next summer.
Since I'm in the middle of lots of stuff, I think I am going to just leave it there.
I finished the coasters and a couple of other things on the table.
I also decided one of the clear acrylic bins held more of my daughter's stuff than mine, so it went into her room.
I used an acrylic drawer, took the drawers out, and used it for my leftover binding strips.
It appears to me that I need to make more scrappy quilts that need scrappy bindings.

I reorganized under the table and have a little more space.
I still need to get that quilt quilted.
There are things behind the long arm which need homes too.

Behind my cutting table.
Nothing has changed here.
The laundry bin needs to be sorted again.
It's all interfacing stuff.
I have empty bolts that might help with the mess.
I still have lots of bags in behind the long arm, but it is passable.
The bags are sorted and this is about the best it is going to get until I find a different location for them.

I made progress, and that is what I'm looking for during each week.

I can do this!

Thanks for helping me stay accountable.

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