
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Remembering 9/11 Attacks

Do you remember where you were during the attacks?
I was on the west coast near Los Angeles.
I had a two-year-old and was still active duty Air Force.
My husband was away on TDY (business travel).
I had not turned the news on and drove to work, like a normal day.
All the way to work, I thought the traffic was extremely light.
I got to the base and went to the child care center and it was closed.
When I called my office to figure out what was happening, I was told to go home there had been a terrorist attack.
They said to make sure my uniform was covered because no one knew what was coming next.
I remember I had a pink jacket in the car and put it over my uniform.
We drove home, but it took much longer because the traffic going that way was dense.
My husband had trouble getting back home because air travel was stopped and the rental cars had already been rented.
Because we lived on base, some friends called to ask if they could come and stay with us.
That was good because we weren't alone.
Never forget what happened twenty years ago.


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