
Monday, September 13, 2021

Design Wall Monday

     I'm linking to

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts Design Wall Monday and Monday Making.

This is the graduate school project my daughter is working on for her class.
She has to do something to show a gap in the social work arena.
She decided she wanted to make a quilt and came to me for advice and help to complete it.
Her project is the gap in getting vets help with PTSD.
The road in the center depicts some of the stages on the road to health.
She picked out the different parts of the road (pebbles at the beginning, cobblestone next, bricks next, and smooth).
I didn't have any of the first three fabrics, so she picked the picture and printed it on fabric.
This took time putting that road together.
She had never appliqued before.
She practiced on a heart and then finished the road yesterday.
There are footprints on the road.
I need to try a couple of different methods for her to applique them and then teach her to do that.
If anyone has an idea for those tiny footprints, I would love to hear them.
She wants two hearts and some people with expressions and without for alongside the path.
Then, she will want words on the quilt in the spots, but she wants to research a bit more on what she wants the words to depict.
We worked together to find the shape of the people and the words for the puzzle heart.
I did the digitizing because it would have taken too long to teach her that process.
She picked all the fabrics (from my scrap bins) and the thread colors for items.
I think she is doing well with the process.

The T-shirt quilt is coming along.
Of course, this is not the layout, because there are many more shirts.
I'm trying to balance colors as I go.
The school colors are black and silver, so these colorful shirts will be all-around to balance them. 


  1. Meloney, I commend your daughter for choosing such a wonderful field for her life's work. All those helping professions need good people. Good luck to her and you with the formation of this hanging. Happy Stitching!

  2. Your daugher's vision for her project is wonderful, and the end result is coming together beautifully. I can picture the finished quilt hanging in her office some day.

  3. PTSD is such a serious illness and there is so much more that could be done to help the veterans who suffer from it. I hope her quilt will raise awareness wherever it is shown. The fusible products would help with footsteps along the pathway. A wall quilt will not get the harsh washing treatment that say a baby quilt would, and I would keep that in mind when using fusibles in creating it. And using large font computer printed words to help explain the quilt would be an easier way than letters appliqued individually. Looking forward to seeng what she comes up with. Thanks for joining the DesignWall linky party, Hugs, Judy
