
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Studio update

I still have work to do in the studio, but it is a start.

Things are out of control in my room.
I'm going bare my soul to you and then hope to get some progress made.
If I put it out here, then there are others I'll be accountable to.

When I bring items up from downstairs, they are staged at the top of my stairs.
 It is looking better, but because it is a staging area, it always has something there.
If you notice, there are new items, but all the staged bags and boxes were gone through.
I have a new item on the design wall.
I am working on figuring out how to get those extra boxes empty and the items in a new home.

My corner cabinet is ALWAYS a mess.
It's hard to tell, but it is better.
I'm using plastic storage for decorations for the mini tree.
When I'm sure I have all the decorations, they will go into the top cabinet.

The left-hand corner of the photo is my string bin and sewing table.
This will be cleaned off when I get the quilt on the design wall finished.

This area is where I use the most.
I used the embroidery machine the other day and didn't recover it. 😄
I have a few extra bags here to go through and use for a couple of events coming up.
This spot will be more of a focus this week.

This area has lots of improvement.
All the bags were gone through and items put away.
The two here have a secret quilter bag of gifts for the rest of the year and a bag of UFOs I want to finish.
I still need to go through the things on top of the bin.
I have some repair work to do on items and they are hiding on the lid.
I think I found more items which landed on this bin.

This is the area which looks worse than before.
I have three T-shirt quilts to make and they are all stored here now.
So, those bags on the left are for three different T-shirt quilts.
I will finish the one on the design wall and then starts the stabilization of the t-shirts.

I am still pressing coasters, so they are on the table. 
Everything on this table is being used.
I reorganized under the table and have a little more space.
I'm not 100% happy with what is under the table, so I'll keep working on it.

I think this area is as good as it gets.
I'll work to keep it neat and call this one done.
I still need to get that quilt quilted.
There are things behind the long arm which need homes too.

Behind my cutting table.
Nothing has changed here.

It's a little better, but the laundry bin needs to be sorted again.

What a mess.
This is the cleaning during the process.
I tossed the bags I emptied behind the long arm.
The process is difficult for me at this time, so I didn't feel like walking behind it.
So, I will need to organize these bags so I can walk and can find what I need when I need it.

I made progress, and that is what I'm looking for during each week.

I can do this!

Thanks for helping me stay accountable.

1 comment:

  1. I really believe it is a very long and continued process to get a workable organized space
