
Friday, May 14, 2021

Wow, what a ride

 I have been missing in action.

I had not touched my sewing machine since the 26th.


I developed a fairly severe case of COVID.

I have been down for the count.

The place I might have caught it was at my large quilt guild.

That is the only thing on the timeline that fits.

I was hospitalized for four days and am still on oxygen.

But, I am on the mend and doing better every day.

Absolutely nothing but sleeping and coughing has been happening in my life.

Well, things have been happening, but not with me involved.

My daughter graduated from Texas State University with her Bachelors in Social Work.

She graduated with honors.

The husband and two kiddos




Does she look wet?
Well, yes she is.
The tradition is to jump into Sewell Creek after the ceremony.
She loved that.
She will go on to her Master's in August.
We are so proud of her.

I am hoping my energy levels come back soon and I can do something other than rest.
If you are the praying type, please keep me in your prayers.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear that Mel! I hope you get better quickly

  2. I'm sorry you've been so sick! Hope you are soon feeling much better.
