
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Wildflower Shop Hop

 My DH needed a road trip, he graciously took me on the Wildflowers All Around Shop Hop.

It took all day to get to four shops, but what a day it was.

I was looking for some backing fabrics and found the two I needed.
Then, that purple panel and 2 yards of fabric just jumped into my arms. 
The cork fabric is planned for a couple of projects.
It will be used next month.
The world fabric and the ombre are for two bags
They will be used this month.
The pretty turquoise is another one that just had to come home with me.
I found a neat book for items from Annies.
It would cost more than the $10 if I bought it off the website.
The black is cork for another bag
The pop-up container is for a friend.
The tracing wheel is something I wanted to try.
A pressing cloth for applique
Tweezers because mine is not working as well.
The True Grips for my rulers that move.

I spent more than I wanted. 
I think about 8 yards of fabric doesn't have an immediate use.
I'll do my best to use it quickly.

My stash usage won't be terribly impacted because I finished..

The Map quilt.
I bound it last night.
Midnight Stargazer

Since DH drove, I bound it while traveling to the four quilt shops.
I have the rainbow bargello about half bound too.
So, by the time I finish those bindings and get the fourth one done, my fabric purchases will not impact my fabric usage.
I was hoping to show more usage, but....fabric has to be bought sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine how much damage I would do if I went on a Shop Hop. I already spend way too much on fabric without even leaving the house. LOL
