
Friday, April 9, 2021

Perfect Day!

 I started the day off with some sewing of the strata for the rainbow quilt.
I finished the last one just a bit ago.
I don't feel I should be cutting tonight, so it will wait until tomorrow.

Then, I made a set of postcards for a future swap.
I'm ahead of the game.

Then, it was off to lunch with dear friends.
Of course, we ate at Hays County BBQ in San Marcos, TX.
Martha had a birthday in March and we were not able to get together.
Since mine is this month, we celebrated today.

Look at my birthday gifts. 
the necklace worked so well with the outfit I wore today.
Martha had one too, 
We are twins!

Martha's daughter made these amazing bluebonnet earrings.

I can't wait to wear them.

We are so blessed with Martha and Ross in our lives.

To think we met at a football game 4 years ago.
We became fast friends when Martha asked me "want to be my friend on Facebook?"
I have so missed our lunches together.
Thanks for a beautiful day and a memorable birthday!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful happy post to be sure! I love the rainbow strata quilt and those necklaces you two are wearing look fantastic. Andrea MH xx
