
Friday, March 26, 2021

Retreat Planning

 I've not posted much because I have been gone.

I also lost the power cord to my camera, so I've found it and can update my doings.

First off, I was in charge of the gifts and door prizes for the retreat.

This is what we had as the larger door prizes.






Then Hobbs gave us lots of queen batting.

I had enough prizes for everyone to receive one door prize of the smaller items.

Each person also received a SWAG bag of quilting goodies.

The discount coupons were included in an envelope and I met folks if they wanted them ahead of time, otherwise, they got them at the event.

It was fun to see folks receive prizes.
I had pre-ordered the retreaters to pick out a number.
I had numbered all the smaller prizes and the number they picked is what they got.

All of these prizes were given away in two parts.
The retreaters were able to pick the prize they would like to win and place it in a box.
Then, we drew their names for the winner of each prize.
We had a drawing on the first and last night of the retreat.

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