
Monday, January 25, 2021

Monday Design Wall

    I'm linking to 

MY main design wall has some orphan blocks on it.
One of the challenges for the New Braunfels Area Quilt Guild is to find your orphan blocks and do something with them.
I did make two pillow covers on Friday.
I have 3 or 4 prepped for next Friday.

Then, a challenge for the Hill Country Mod Quilt Guild to make something with hearts.
I'm still having trouble figuring out how to do what I want to do with these hearts.
Then, the blue on the right is from that last T-shirt quilt.
I forgot the zipper on Friday, so I had to bring it home.
I'll add a zipper at the bottom and then cut to size before I sew the last two sides.
Hopefully, it will be done today.


  1. Hum, you've got me wondering what the zipper is for? For the T shirt quilt? Or did I miss something... more pillow covers? Just curious! I can see something from all the blue, purple and light green blocks. I have a friend I see with and we sometimes mix up our orphan blocks to make donation quilts. It's a good challenge and we are happy to give the finished quilt away to a good cause. Hope you make great progress this week.

  2. I am trying to learn to let orphans go, I can't finish them all. LOL!

  3. Hi,
    I've got lots of orphan blocks. I'll get them
    out one of these days and do something with
    them. Love your design wall. Have a great day!

  4. Love all the blocks on your design wall... it makes for great inspiration! xx

  5. I've got a lot of orphan blocks but never have been able to figure out a way to use them all in one final quilt. So I'm curious to see how you accomplish this!
