
Saturday, December 5, 2020


 I couldn't find my cord for my camera, so I couldn't post. 😕

We had our guild Christmas Party for the Hill Country Mod Quilt Guild on Tuesday.

We had the reveal for our Secret Sister

Would you believe that Jeanne C and I gave to each other?

It confused me, but I finally figured it out.

I love all that she gave to me and she loved what I gave to her.

The December gifts included this cute Fox (the fox is our mascot) teapot.

We both LOVE tea.

This is the full gift. 
She wrapped the box in fabric.
Then, her gift to me for giving to her all year was this redwork kit.
I don't know that I can start it right now, but I will enjoy working on it.
Don't you love the cards she sent?
I also had to make the Christmas masks for the apartment girls.
I'm a pincushion swap and this is the pincushion I received.
I love her prairie points.
I also have little hexi's to work with.
Since that is a goal of mine, I will enjoy them.
Then, the fabrics are so pretty.
I'll have to come up with something fun to make.
On to some postcard swaps.
A swap is Christmas Stripes
I didn't have any stripes I liked, so I made my own stripes out of Christmas fabric.
These are for a gingerbread swap.
Lucky 7 is quilted and bound.
I love the colors in this one.
It is very much a memory quilt because I used up the 2.5" squares in my pre-cut drawers.
I did use them up 100% and had to cut more, so I have more in there now. LOL
I finished binding the last CIL.
It is boxed and ready to mail.
I feel bad because I was really slow this year in completing anything.
But, it is done done and ready to go.
So, that catches you up, unless I've forgotten anything.

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