
Monday, November 16, 2020

Design Wall Monday

  I'm linking to

The T-shirt quilt is still waiting for me.
I am hoping to get most of them measured by the end of the week.
I've had some other things that came up.
To the left are teabag wallets ready to sew together.
I'm debating on doing it by machine or by longarm as a big group.
Once I get started, it won't take long.

The Christmas trees were a class from the Vermont Quilt Festival.
Kimberly Einmo had a great class that I really enjoyed.
I have all the big trees done, but I keep looking at it and wanting to add one different colored tree.
I have all the smaller border trees ready to sew.
It will come together quickly, but today is a focused day on the teabag wallets.


  1. The tea bag wallets and the Christmas trees would certainly dissuade me from tackling the t-shirts! (If you need another gift idea: a friend has been making hand sanitizer bags that are about 4 x 5. She adds a hanging tab with a belt clip.)

  2. Hum, it's hard to tell how the tea bag wallets will come together. But I have 2 given to me at various events. And, I do use them. I feel your pain on the T shirt quilt. I've started one and am slowly making progress on it. Very slow progress....

  3. Love your design wall -- and the beautiful blocks on it! You are so organized and your blog is a treat to peruse. Good job!
