
Thursday, September 17, 2020

What a Day

 I have had one of those days.

I make pillow covers all the time!

I don't ever have the problems I've had today.

I tend to load them on the long arm and quilt them quickly.

I was making a couple of cute pillows for Gus.

I started quilting one and stopped last night.

This morning I tried another color on it and then decided NO!

I had to rip it all out.

Remember, this is only an 18" x 18" pillow

I started at 9 am (was not working on it for about an hour) and finished at 145 pm.

It was an all-day project just to get the stitching unsewn.

Why so long? It was done in swirls, following the design on the fabric.

When you are working at unsewing swirls, you can't just follow a line of stitching.
They stop you from going because of another swirl. 😕
Can you see the mess?
It was hard on the back.
It was hard on my neck.

So much thread.

Once that was done, I decided to go ahead and quilt it.
I was doing organic on the first one and it went well.
The bottom one I ended up doing curvy lines around the pillow.
I was done in less than half an hour.😩

I went to put it together.
Now, remember, I do this all the time.
I sewed the backing to the front.
Do you happen to notice anything wrong?
More unstitching to do.
Finally got it done
and the second one is finished too.

I am done for today!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I feel your pain! So glad you finally got it behind you
