
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Stash Report #32

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

Used this Week:
15.91 yards

Used year to Date:
145.90 yards
Net Stash used in August
-5.09 yards

Added this Week:
21.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
59.31 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
75.52 yards

Net Used in 2020
124.48 yards

I finished this top, but it doesn't count for any fabric out because it was made to help a friend.
I made one postcard for a swap.

A couple of other fun facts are:
Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs finished this year:
UFO Yardage Used:
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:

Number of Bobbins Used this week:
Number of Bobbins Used this year:
Number of Spools Used this week:

Number of Spools Used this year:                

Why are my numbers bad this week?
I bought backing fabric on a really good sale.
My backing fabrics were needing the "normal" colors resupplied.
They will be used, so I'm not worried about it, but it does make the numbers look bad.
This next week might not be any better.
A friend called and said one of her client's wife just passed away.
The wife was a quilter and would I like some fabric?
I knew she had said yes to them because of me, so I went and picked it up.
you never know what you are going to get.
There are some pieces I already have in my stash.
All of it is of good quality.
I've not measured it yet, so I'll add that next week.

I thought I had taken a photo when I laid it all out, but, who knows where that is.
Some of this will be used soon.

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.
My week had me have two days where the sewing time was only about 20 minutes, and then I had a day I went to visit DD and didn't get anything done in my studio because I stayed the night.
It was well worth it.

Days of Stitching:

Number of Days this week:

Number of Days this year:

Days Organizing:

Number of Days this week:
Number of Days this year:

Quilting is more fun than Housework has us working on scraps.

No, the T-shirt quilt is not scrappy.
I was waiting on the one lone shirt I needed to finish the first row.
I have the shirt and I have two of the columns sewn together, so that is great.
It will be done this week.
But, the pineapple blocks are coming along. I have 69 of them done.
I need 96, so a few more to go.
I'm not running out of strips, so I think I'll have enough to finish this up.
Gyleen Fitgerald is having her COVID 7 class and this is where we are so far.
This is all from my scrap drawers.

I was in a block swap with Lorena and this is what came back.
I am working on cutting cornerstones from my scrap drawers.
I made the brown block.

I seem to be doing more scrappy quilts lately.
Maybe I'll be able to get into my scrap drawers soon.


  1. SEW sweet of you to help your friend! Lots of good progress on your other projects.

  2. You've done really well on a number of fronts. Sometimes you have have to buy to finish things up and sometimes there are gifts you really can't refuse. Love those pineapple blocks and your swap block quilt. Glad you go to have a bit of girl's time with your daughter. Have a great week.

  3. How nice of you to help your friend! You have indeed been active sewing. Your gift of new to you fabric is a blessing, I'm sure.
