
Thursday, August 27, 2020

New shelving

 I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for two bookshelves to arrive. 

They didn't have any tracking on them.

They arrived one at a time and weeks apart.

Why? Who knows.

I needed two for the depth.
DH put them together and then figured out how to make them sturdier.
He did a WONDERFUL job.
The shelves fit the normal-sized bins.
I wanted them to be double deep, mainly because I had that space in that little nook.
I purchased 10 bins to house the UFOs and projects that I should be working on.
I had them in crates and the crates were in the way.
I emptied two crates into these bins and still have room for more.
While putting things away and figuring out what else I needed to do, I put on a new ironing surface.
I had the wool mats to use on the front, but the silver fabric was a mess.
All new and ready to use.
Everything is dusted and clean.
I notice that under the pressing table I have some bins that could be consolidated.
This is where I pull the UFOs for the challenges that require you to start with 12 UFOs.
I have NOT been great at finishing this year, so maybe this new organization will help me.
So, this was before the shelf.

You might ask about all the stuff you can't see.....

I had a small bookshelf on top of this three-tiered bin.
What was I thinking?
I think Ashley was a Brownie when I put this under the bookshelf.
There was no easy way to get into it, so it just sat.
These three bins will be my WITB (What's in the Box) for next week.
I will see if any of it is good still and pass it on.

the little bookshelf will go over by my second design wall and house things I need on that side of the room.
I'll post photos when that is in better shape.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. I was wondering where you were going to put those shelves!
