
Monday, August 3, 2020

Design Wall Monday

I'm linking to 

This is a T-shirt quilt for Lorena.
You notice the missing shirt at the top left?
The lady this is going to decided that another shirt should be here instead of the one I had there.
So, I'm waiting for that shirt to make its way to me.

The pineapple blocks are coming along well.
62 blocks made.
I'm using them for leader/enders while sewing on other things.
This will probably be a gift a Christmas.
I hope I have enough blocks by then.

This is a quilt for Tammy.
I need to sew the blocks together.
I'm waiting for the border fabric to arrive.
I'm hoping it arrives before the middle of the week so I can finish it and get it the Tammy's SIL to deliver to her.

I'm also working on making some masks.
I have many at the final stage, and it just means doing it.

I need to figure out which project I'm working on first.
It's time to go make a to-do list.


  1. Good for you working on a t shirt quilt. Not my favorite and I have t shirts here from a customer ... but no motivation and really not any fabric to go with the shirts. She's in no rush so I'm not working on it. Still love those pineapples... Keep plugging away on all your projects. I have to set goals or I'm off is so many different directions!

  2. Wow, big plans up on those walls!!
