
Friday, May 1, 2020

2020 Challenges

January - #2 Fish Bowl
February - #9 Ashley's T-shirt quilt
Awaiting Ashley to show me what shirts she wants in a quilt.
Will work on the band shirts first.
March - #7 Courthouse Steps
April - #1 Christmas Card Caddy
May - #12 Meme's Flower Garden

January - #9  Ashley T-shirt Quilt
See above
February - #Mount Rushmore
March - #21 Art Glass - Ashley's quilt
March - #31 Wolf Pack panel quilt
April - #25 Let Me Surprise You
April - #51 Cozy Days Lap Quilt
May - # 78 Harry Potter for Ashley
I doubt I will work on this one yet.
May - #167 Snowman

January #6 6.5" 9 patches
January #66 Fish Bowl Quilt
February - #10 Adorn It
I finished two projects but there is still this one from that one UFO.
I'm not sure what I'm doing with this yet, but I'll figure it out.
February - #99 Karen's Hexagon Quilt
March - #8 A Heritage Quilt
March - Map of Texas Lone Star State
April - #2 2019 Quilt Festival Shop Hop Quilt
April - #46 Christmas Pieces
April - #16 Bee-utiful Applique
May - #4 4-patches
May - #29 Brown Class Quilt
May - #104 Let Me Surprise You

The Color Challenge
April - Green I made green masks but forgot to take photos.
May - Blue

Gift Giving
April - Masks and more masks

Read a Book
I think I know why my quilting has been less than normal.
I'm reading more than normal.
April - A Single Thread by Marie Bostwick
This was a great book about quilters coming together.
Quilter's Knot A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the second in a series that I was waiting for.
It was a mystery set at a quilting class.
Quilt As You Go A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the third in a series and is a mystery about a lost quilt.
Quilt by Association A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the fourth book in a series and is a mystery concerning adoption.
The Quilt Before the Storm A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the fifth book in a series and about a murder during a huge storm.
Make Quilts Not War A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the sixth book in a series and is set with quilter celebrating the 1960's.
There are murder and mayhem during this book too.
A Quilt In Time A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the seventh book in a series and is concerning abuse.
Crazy as a Quilt A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the eighth book in a series and is set at a quilt retreat on crazy quilting.
Disappearing Nine Patch A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the ninth book in a series and is set around missing children.
Double Wedding Death A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the tenth book in a series and is set around a wedding.
Quilts Make a Family A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the eleventh book in a series and is set around the quilters making quilts for foster kids.
12 Quilts of Christmas A Harriet Truman/Loose Threads Mystery by Arlene Sachitano
This is the twelfth book in a series and is set with murders in the downtown area of Foggy Point


Patchwork Times Learn Something New
April - Learn to use new to me longarm rulers.
This will take lots of practice to get good at it.
I found a cable ruler and need another tool to use it.
I won't get that done this month.

May - Learn how to use Zoom and a webcam

February/March - Ashley's Stonehenge Quilt
April - Let Me Surprise You Quilt otherwise known as Simple Pleasures
May - Meme's Flower Garden

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