
Friday, April 10, 2020


As it is prone to happen, thinking happens.
This pandemic is frustrating and if you don't understand it, there is much more frustration.
The Harvard Business Review has an article about grief during this time.
It is interesting to think about what they are stating in the article.

Then, today is Good Friday.
This has special meaning in our Christian lives.
It is a solemn time for us to honor and reflect on Jesus and how he died for our sins.
It isn't such a Good day in the sense that we normally think about it, but it is when looked at from God's viewpoint.
Easter is coming.

Then, as happens every so often, it is my birthday.
With all the COVID 19 restrictions, the celebration won't be like it normally is.
We never do something really big, but we do normally get together as a family for a nice dinner.
That will only be with my husband and me with the stay-at-home restriction.

So, as we are going through this holy weekend, be happy for the good things and remember our Lord for all that HE has done for us.

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