
Friday, March 20, 2020


What a crazy time we live in. 
DD is home on spring break and that has been extended a week.
Now, she needs to figure out how to handle the on-line classes instead of in person.
That adds stress to one that does so much better in person.
She will do it, but a Mom worries about the outcomes.
It will all work out at the end.

I won the lottery in my postcard group.
That means I received beautiful cards from those that signed up for the lottery.
I also have a few other swaps going on.
These are the postcards I've received this week.
So beautiful!

I made one of these kitchen scarves at the retreat and decided I'd do another at home with a seasonal towel I had. 

DD learned to crochet in December and she made this for her brother. 

I am still working on my log cabins.
These are one of the 4 sets I need to do.
The next set is purple where the blue is. 

I hope everyone stays safe and has some fun while we are social distancing ourselves.
What better time than now to evaluate what you need to do in your home and in your studio.

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