
Monday, March 2, 2020

February 2020 statistics

February accomplishments

Initials Challenge table runner
Bird in Wool
Guild #45
Guild #46
Guild #47
Guild #48
Test Pillowcase for DD
crocheted hexagon afghan
Tammy BOM #1
Feb Stashbuster #10 Adorn It pillow #1
Adorn It Pillow #2
Pink Star pillow
Feb Stashbuster #199 yellow 9-patch
Feb HCMQG #22 Diamond EPP Towel
St Patrick's Placements
Mardi Gras wall hanging
Birthday Postcards
Thread holders
Foxy Name tags

Stashbuster's #'s Game
(1) Jon's Dragon Quilt
(2) Wool Bird
(3) Adorn It pillows
(4) Pink Star pillow
(5) Yellow 9-patch bobcat table topper
(6) Diamond EPP towel
(7) Mardi Gras Table Topper

41 blocks made in February, 111 for 2020.

I only used a net of 6 yards of fabric in February, because I ended up buying fabric for the Frog quilt.
I'll be using that up in March.

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