
Sunday, December 29, 2019

Final countdown

Final Countdown at Prairie Moon is
Deal with Paper Clutter
Has she seen my studio?
Apparently so.
Everything is such a mess, and paper clutter is one of my continuous problems.
I never seem to be under control in this area.

This bag has been very full and is now down to one Wal-mart bag of receipts.

I've been filing when I've been on the phone, so that has helped a lot.

These two are not all paper, but there is much in there. 

This has lots of quilting things in it and papers that need filing.
There are projects included too.
I'm really not sure what is all in there.

this pile is Tupperware lids I need to get replaced, folders of papers that need to be looked at. and who knows what else.

I also have VA paperwork that needs to be looked through.

I also have my ex-husband's tax stuff that has yet to be resolved.

So, this is one of those things I hate to do, but with the accountability of doing it with others, it is a good thing.

I'll start working on the items in the order I presented them and see how far I get.

1 comment:

  1. I didn’t know about the paper clutter challenge but I have been working on it today. It wasn’t too bad but can get away from me quickly. I am hoping to keep up with my fabric and thread usage this year.
