
Monday, December 23, 2019

Design Wall Monday

It's hard to believe that Christmas is this week and 2019 is almost over.

It's been a slow week for me.

I'm working on organizing things for 2020.

I have two quilts that are not going to be done in time for Christmas.
I have one loaded ready to quilt.
I have one partially started.
They will each be gifted with a note, and that is OK because they are for family.

I got stalled on a test quilt and it has me in a strange frame of mind.
I don't want to put it away and make another UFO, though it will be anyway.
I don't want to work on it, so it is taking space on the design wall.
I really need to do something there.

The other design wall has all the Houston quilts on it.
None are done, but I'm working on the Let Me Surprise you just a Little.
One full row is together.
The missing row is on my sewing machine.
I've been using it as leader/enders for all the small projects I've been working on.
It is on my main list for 2020.

Christmas decorating for this year has been minimal, but everyone is OK with that.

Christmas is about the birth of Christ and doesn't need lots of decorating to make it special.
We will have both kiddos with us and that makes the celebration wonderful.

I'm linking to Small Quilts Doll Quilt's Design Wall Monday and Monday Makings.

Wishing a Merry Christmas to All.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how vibrant your quilt on the design wall is. Are the colors all solids?
