
Monday, December 16, 2019

Design Wall Monday

I'm linking to Small Quilts Doll Quilt's Design Wall Monday and Monday Makings.
Not a lot has changed.

This wall has things I want to work on. 
My son sees the Meme's Garden as gears.
I think there is a gray, white and black quilt in the makings with that pattern.

My other design wall has that test quilt that I just can't seem to get done.
I've contacted them and they said not to worry about it.
I'm debating on just taking it down and waiting for another time. 

I've pulled all the UFOs that I'm sure I'm not going to get to this month and put them in the UFO cabinet.
Since I added some this year, the cabinet is overflowing. :(

I've had a bad week with my back and I just had small amounts of time at the machine.
Consequently, not much got done that is on my design wall.
I need time to just sit and sew if my hips and back cooperate.

DD is home, so that means running around more.
We shall see what the end of the year brings.
I do have two of my own quilts to actually quilt.
I just need to focus and get that done.

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