
Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Focus word

My 2019 Focus word was Fun.
I have had fun this year learning new things, going to the Quilt Festival, trying new longarm quilting designs, playing around in the EQ and Generations.
I think I've been successful in having Fun this year.

My 202 Focus word is going to be "simplify".
The definition of Simplify is: 
make (something) simpler or easier to do or understand.

I think this is going to pertain to my quilting and my life.
I am still working on UFOs to simplify that number again this year.
I didn't focus on UFOs as much as I have in the past, even though I did finish 41 in 2019.
I am going to simplify what I have around me.
I always work to use up a net of 200+ yards of fabric each year.
2019 was over 400 yards because I donated so much over the year.
I have a house FULL of stuff and I need to be ruthless and go through and only keep what I know I'm going to use.
I also need to remember that when I'm doing something new that I don't go overboard and buy too much stuff for the new endeavor.
I want to simplify what I eat so I can get myself back on track.
There are so many areas to simplify my life.
I'll enjoy it while I'm at it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel,

    I really like your 2020 Focus word "Simplify" I don't always post a message BUT I do read your posts. You give me so many inspirations. These past few years since moving to Hawaii has been such a challenge for me. Especially in 2019.

    You gave me an idea for 2020. THANK YOU!

    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year. (8

