
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Final Countdown

Prairie Moon's challenge for today is:
Make Some Quilting Plans for 2020

I have lots of plans. LOL

My focus word is "simplify". You can see the post here.

I plan to use over 200 yards of fabric in 2020.

I realize that I'd like to make an equivalent of 2020 blocks in 2020 too.

My goals for 2020 are:
Improve my health by eating and drinking better
Continue organizing my studio and home
Practice digitizing
Learn new designs for Longarming
Make more items with my embroidery machine
Continue to use my Fabric Stash
Decrease Thread stash by 30 spools
Work to control paper clutter on a monthly basis
Decorate for each holiday

I am going to continue with some UFO challenges to see if I can really make a difference in reducing my UFOs
I am going to shoot for 50 UFOs completed in 2020.

I also need to focus on organization, not only in the studio but in my home.
I still have items from my parent's estate to go through.
So much organization to accomplish to make my home easier to get around in.

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