
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Fabric Usage

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports

It is nearing the end of the year. 
I know I have about 10 yards in one of the quilts I'm binding now, so I'm sure I'll meet my goal
I have lots of smaller projects to make up too.

I'm amazed at what cleaning out your cabinets can do for the goals.

Used this Week:
6.45 yards

Used year to Date:
381.55 yards

Stash used in November
Added this Week:
8.28 yards
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
77.62 yards

New Goal:
400.00 yards

Yards to goal:
18.45 yards

Net Used in quilts 2019
 227.13 yards

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge:

Number of equivalent blocks:                     1785
Perimeter in inches                                  17294
Number of UFOs finished this year:                37
UFO Yardage Used                                  129.16
 Amount of yardage used in UFOs                  57%

Number of Bobbins Used this week                2
Number of Bobbins Used this year              233
Number of Spools Used this week                  0
Number of Spools Used this year                  27

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

    Days of Stitching                                       98%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
       Number of Days this year                        320/327

    Days Organizing                                        95%
Number of Days this week                        7/7
       Number of Days this year                         311/327

1 comment:

  1. Your metrics are pretty impressive, what a great year of moving fabric out of the stash!
