
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Stash report

It was a slow week of consistent going through boxes and finishing up small projects.
I have a few more things to long arm for charity and then I'll be able to work on some of my own.
There are a few challenges which I need to just finish and have ready for November.
I'm concerned that with the Quilt Festival coming up that I won't be ready for events like I need to be. 

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports

Used this Week:
2.13 yards

Used year to Date:
359.95 yards

Stash used in October
Added this Week:
120.03 yards
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
75.12 yards

New Goal:
400.00 yards

Yards to goal:
40.05 yards

Net Used in quilts 2019
 203.02 yards

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge:

Number of equivalent blocks:                     1581
Perimeter in inches                                  15966
Number of UFOs finished this year:                34
UFO Yardage Used                                  109.55
 Amount of yardage used in UFOs                  54%

Number of Bobbins Used this week                5
Number of Bobbins Used this year              210
Number of Spools Used this week                  2
Number of Spools Used this year                  22

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

    Days of Stitching                                       98%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
       Number of Days this year                        278/285

    Days Organizing                                        96%
Number of Days this week                        6/7
       Number of Days this year                         274/285


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hopefully you will find the time you need to get those Challenges done. I am working around a charity project, so need to balance my wants against that should do.

  3. You are such a prolific quilter! I'm lucky to use a couple of bobbins a week! However, I do spend a chunk of time crocheting....
    I hope you get your challenges done and have a bit of time for your own personal projects. Take good care!
