
Monday, September 16, 2019

Motivational Monday

1 - 7 September 2019

1. Bird of Paradise table topper
Could possibly use more quilting.

2. Work on Baby Clothing quilt done by mid-August/September.
108 – 16 patches needed
88 done
This is my leader/ender project and is coming along.

I found my perfect leaves in a box, so I can get those cut out of my parents clothing so I can hand applique onto a tree form.

4. September pincushion

5. Quilt Test Quilt
It is quilted, but I can't so a photo of it.
It is bound and ready for a label.

6. Quilt CIL/H4H quilts
It is bound now, but I don't have a photo of it.

  8 - 14 September 2019

1. Let Me Surprise You!
I still need to get this done.

I have most of my filing done, and am going through other boxes.

3. Quilt

4. Baby clothing

  15 -21 September 2019

1. Texas My Texas


3. Quilt H4H

4. Baby Clothing

5. Quilt test quilt

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