
Monday, September 2, 2019

Design Wall Monday

I'm linking to Small Quilts Doll Quilt's Design Wall Monday and Monday Makings.
My main design wall is a bit strange right now.
That table runner on the right is another UFO - Bird of Paradise.
I need to do more quilting on it, but want to use the long arm for that.
The squares are the colored blocks and then a Texas my Texas blocks.
I'm going to have to adjust the sizes because of how the panel is printed.

My baby clothing quilt is coming along.
59 blocks made and all but 10 have been stabilized, so if I can get those stabilized, it is just the sewing together.

I'm also working on another test quilt, so that can't be shown.

The long arm is being used too.
I have the last test quilt I did on it and can't show you.
I started the weekend with 9 quilts to quilt and have quilted 4 of them.
This one will be done today and I hope to load another one.


  1. You and your long arm have been busy! It feels so good to get things accomplished.

  2. Great variety on your design wall. Enjoy your stitching time.
